1887 | Ferdinand Reyher founds a company trading in ships’ chandlery, hardware and tools direct at the Port of Hamburg, at Erste Vorsetzen. |
1901 | Karl Tede and Otto Meyer take over the company since then it is called F. REYHER Nchfg.. |
1912 | First international business in Finland. Shipbuilding in focus: REYHER offers a comprehensive range of stock. |
1935 | New sales premises in Vorsetzen open with new components: REYHER delivers screws, nuts, and accessories of all kinds to the retail trade. |
1937 | REYHER celebrates 50th anniversary. A new storage facility is taken into operation. REYHER delivers equipment for the newly formed German whaling fleet. |
1949 | Rebuilding in the new era: REYHER specializes in the trade of fasteners. |
1959 | Move from the Port to the current headquarters at Haferweg in Altona, Hamburg. |
1980 | REYHER grows. A new central high-rack warehouse is completed. Next to it new and extended warehouse and offices. |
1985 | The wind energy division becomes active: REYHER is involved from the beginning and supplies manufacturers and supplier companies with fastening elements. |
1987 | REYHER celebrate the 100-year anniversary and donates six paintings to the Museum of Hamburg History. The turnover amounts to 75 million DM. |
1990 | All fastening elements needed for steel and plant building are now available in the REYHER product range. Export within Europe is increased. After the reunification of Germany REYHER extends sales in the east. Failsafe IT equipment controls all goods movements. |
1993 | REYHER first company in the field to earn DIN ISO 9002 certification. REYHER extends range of services to include Kanban deliveries: ROM – REYHER Order Management is born. |
1998 | REYHER makes its Internet presence public: The first version of the webshop goes online. |
2000 | REYHER passes three certification audits at the same time, underlining REYHER’s quality standards: DIN EN ISO 9001:2000, the environmental audit in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001 and VDA 6.2 for the automotive spares industry. The turnover amounts to 100 million euros. |
2001 | REYHER are kitting assembly kits for the windenergy industry. |
2003 | Fully-automatic high-rack warehouse built with picking and incoming goods areas. |
2004 | SAP successfully introduced. EU grows with 10 additional members. REYHER grows too, serving Europe more and more. |
2005 | REYHER Asia-Pacific founded in Shanghai. Two extensions to warehousing space taken into operation. |
2007 | REYHER introduces online library with 2D and 3D models. The turnover amounts to 200 million euros. A sales agengy in Russia intensified the sales activities there. |
2008 | A a new office building is completed. |
2011 | Construction of a further logistics hall with an additional conference center. |
2012 | REYHER’s 125-year anniversary. REYHER donates euros 125,000 to NCL research at Eppendorf University Clinic in Hamburg. New logistics and outgoing goods areas brought into operation. The turnover reached to 280 million euros. |
2015 | Start of construction of a new high-rack warehouse with connected logistics and office building. |
2017 | Completion of the high-rack warehouse for 40,000 additional pallet places in two storage blocks one above the other. |
2021 | Extension of the automatic small parts warehouse by 62,000 bin places. |
2024 | Subsidiary based in Budapest founded. |
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